the blog series on building fluency for IELTS we have already discussed about
what do we mean by speaking fluency and reading fluency, how do we identify the
respective barriers and how to overcome those barriers. Please read the blogs
titled ‘How can I develop speaking fluency to score high in IELTS? and ‘What is Reading Fluency for IELTS?’
this blog we will discuss about writing fluency. As mentioned earlier this is
an unexplored area. Not many people talk of it. Let’s understand what does the writing
fluency mean, what are the barriers and how to overcome the barriers. Fluency
in writing simply means that you can write on a given topic smoothly – without
breaking the flow.
myth – writing speed means how fast my hand can write. It’s a pure myth. This
is just physical in nature. One can train the hand to write faster and it doesn’t
take much time to develop this skill. Writing fluency is connected to the
thought process. It’s a mental skill or to say or is the skill of the mind. One
needs to learn to be an independent thinker if one wants to be a good writer.
Additionally, one should learn to organize the thoughts clearly. One can learn the
brainstorming process of idea generation and organization from the best IELTS coaching center in Rohini. As you now know that there is a time
limit of sixty minutes for attempting the IELTS writing test. You can learn
these skills here to become a fluent writer to ultimately obtain a high band
score in IELTS.
it is a mistake to assume that the time allotted for writing is 60 minutes.
Please understand that this time window also includes time for proof-reading. If
you are not fluent in writing, you will not be able to save time for proof-reading.
When I talk to the IELTS candidates who have appeared in the IELTS exam, they
share their experience that they corrected some 2-5 spelling or other
mistakes during proofreading. By the
time you also know that the spelling mistakes or grammatical mistakes are
penalized in IELTS. Hence, by being a fluent writer you can always correct the spelling
and grammar mistakes to maximize your IELTS band score.